Dead Plate 2

Dead Plate 2

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Get an absolutely different perspective on the genre of visual novel and open a new world of dark and irrationally magnetic projects, brimming with curious characters and plot twists. Dead Plate is a game which will greatly shock you with its endings, leaving you with a mix of diverse emotions.

Gameplay Dead Plate

The guests are waiting for you, so hurry up and serve them until they get angry! Apart from being a wonderful visual novel, Dead Plate also has an extensive part of waiter simulator, so join Rody and help him earn a living. Keep in mind that every coin you have gained will be spent on his greatest dream – to make an impression on Manon, the girl he adores.

So, rush to the visitors and don’t forget about their orders! Will you manage to apply all your memory’s capacity and not to make any mistakes while delivering the meals? You have a definite money target for each day in Dead Plate and if you don’t reach it, you will likely lose the job.

To make your shifts more pleasant, Dead Plate offers to enhance your skills with a bunch of useful items. Having some extra cash, why don’t you spend it on the watches, giving you additional minutes of the shift, for example? There are also other improvements in the game, including mysterious matches, which may be far more applicable than they seem.

Another important aspect of the game is the dialogues. There are hundreds of replicas to unlock while you are trying to untangle the sophisticated knot of the plot. What is hiding behind Vince’s aggressiveness and how are you connected with it?

Take a bite of the most exclusive dish

Dead Plate consists of multiple choices and every one of them determines whether you are going to end up with a positive aftermath or not. Although such narratives rarely have lovely endings, in the end you should just be careful not to turn into the main course yourself!

Experience the most contradictory feelings, from affection to genuine fear. Watch how cute and funny scenes of Dead Plate rapidly transform into nightmarish bloodsheds just in a minute. You never know which action will lead to compelling consequences and that is what makes the game so enthralling.

Go home right after a debilitating working day or stay for a moment to clean up the kitchen and sneak inside a forbidden territory? You are free to decide yourself and enjoy stunning visuals and an extremely gripping storyline that is unfolding unexpectedly.

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