Dead Plate

Dead Plate

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Sneak behind the doors of an extravagant restaurant and figure out its repulsive secrets! Dead Plate presents to you a unique set of features, ranging from stunning graphics to a surprisingly shocking plot. Decide if this story is going to have a happy ending or the main hero will be suffering forever.

Examine all the crannies of the storyline

This game is going to transfer you into France of the previous century, a place where a lot of famous facilities were prospering. The protagonist, Rody, is one of the young fellows, who didn’t have a chance to delve into the life of an adult yet. However, his will to impress the girl he likes encourages the boy to start working as a waiter in one of the most luxurious cafes in town.

Meet your chef, Vince, and begin the week that will change your life completely. In between exhausting shifts, participate in various discussions with your acquaintances and develop elaborate and strange relationships with Vince. This guy is acting weird sometimes and it is worth searching around the kitchen when you have some free time after work. Who knows what you may find?

Besides, Dead Plate presents amazing visuals and soundtracks which perfectly add up to the exceptional atmosphere of the unknown danger that is threatening Rody. Eventually, the boy is starting to get nightmares and each time they become more and more uncanny. Hurry up to find the origin of your problems or give up under the pressure of evil!

Gameplay Dead Plate

Most of the time in Dead Plate, you are going to be busy running from the kitchen to the hall, delivering immaculate dishes and cleaning up the mess left by the visitors. Rody is a mighty young man, but even he needs to make some effort in order to stay on his feet after such hard work!

Approach the table, where a new customer is sitting, ask about their preferences for today and wait for the cooks to prepare the meal. Then you will need to quickly serve the guest and later on carry dirty dishes back to the kitchen. The game shows you how generous the customers were and how much money they left respectively. Do your best to earn as much as you can.

However, the game gives no markers which will tell you who ordered which dish, so use your memory and try not to mess up! Vince will surely be quick to punish you for that. There is a little hint on the right, which shows how many meals of each type you are carrying at the moment. Make sure to deliver everything until the time is up.

To make your job a bit easier, the game provides a special catalogue, where some improvements may come to your taste. Get yourself a nice and good-smelling cologne to make the guests stay a little longer or stick to the skates and dash towards the clients as lightning. But remember that you need to save up if you want to take your loved one out!

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